
A dropzone is an pattern that makes file upload easy and pleasant to use.


Upload process

Behavior of an upload process

When to use

Use a dropzone in the following cases:

  • To upload files by dragging and dropping.
  • To upload one or more files.
  • To show the process of uploading.


There are two types of a dropzone:

  • Single file upload
  • Multi file upload

Single file upload

Single file upload component

The single file upload only allows one file to be uploaded.

Single file upload - file item

Single file upload item
  • After the upload, the dropzone will be replaced by the uploaded file.
  • The file must be deleted in order to upload a new file.

Multi file upload

Multi file upload component

Multi file upload component
  • The dropzone can be used anytime.
  • The files will be listed underneath the dropzone.
  • Errors should be displayed within the list item.

General construction


Single file upload - construction

1. Label, 2. Drop area, 3. Supporting icon, 4. Usage hint, 5. Browse files link, 6. Description text

By default, the dropzone is configured as small size and simple upload.

1. Label

  • Can show that the field is required.
  • The label is optional.

2. Drop area

3. Supporting icon

  • Supports the drop target visually.

4. Usage hint

  • Open file browser to pick file(s).

6. Description text

  • The description text is optional but recommended.


The following dropzone options are available:

Large dropzone

Dropzone - large variant

1. Label, 2. Drop area, 3. Supporting icon, 4. Usage hint, 5. Browse files button, 6. Description text
  1. Label
    • Can show that the field is required.
    • The label is optional.
  2. Drop area
  3. Supporting icon
    • Supports the drop target visually.
  4. Usage hint
  5. Browse files button
    • Open file browser to pick file(s).
  6. Description text

    • The description text is optional but recommended.


Single file upload

Upload button

Trigger upload with a button


Cancel uploading file


Replace uploaded file by another
Multi file upload

Further actions can be included to the dropzone:

Batch upload

1. Trigger upload with a button

Cancel upload

1. Cancel uploading file, 2. Cancel all uploads button.
Expand drop target

Expanded drop target

The drop target may cover a whole dialog or even the complete UI to be droppable.


File upload


Upload by dragging

Mouse down

Upload by clicking

There are two ways in order to upload files

  • Upload by dragging and dropping file(s) into the dropzone.
  • Browse your system by clicking the “browse files” link/button.
  • Dropping files outside the dropzone has no effect on the interface.

Mouse down

Upload drag and drop

Error messages

Error on dropzone component

Dropzone error message

Error on file

Error message within an upload item

Error messages occur when the upload fails. Reasons can be:

  • No file has been selected.
  • The filetype is wrong or not allowed.
  • The file is too big.
  • The file is empty.
  • There was a problem and the file was not uploaded.
  • There is a limit on how many files the user can select.

Upload progress

Upload progress

Visually support file upload process

During file upload the icon is replaced by a busy indicator.


This chapter shows several dropzone styles in the User Experience Toolkit.


Dropzone states


1. Default, 2. Hover or dragging within interactive area, 3. Active (Pressed or dragging over area), 4. Disabled, 5. Error

Large dropzone states


1. Default, 2. Hover or dragging within interactive area, 3. Active (Pressed or dragging over area), 4. Disabled, 5. Error

Item states



1. Uploading, 2. Uploading with progress indicator, 3. Upload successful, 4. Error
Default with image


1. Uploading, 2. Uploading with progress indicator, 3. Upload successful, 4. Error


1. Uploading, 2. Uploading with progress indicator, 3. Upload successful, 4. Error
Compact with image


1. Uploading, 2. Uploading with progress indicator, 3. Upload successful, 4. Error


1. Uploading, 2. Uploading with progress indicator, 3. Upload successful, 4. Error
Card with image


1. Uploading, 2. Uploading with progress indicator, 3. Upload successful, 4. Error

List view


Default list


Default list with image


Compact list


Compact list with image




Card/thumbnails with image


Replace option

File item with replace button

List, compact list and card file item with replace button
General rules of thumbnails

There should be 2-3 elements in one row.

How many elements are in a row depends on:

  • Expected file name length.
  • Number of expected files.
  • Ratio/size of the expected thumbnail.
  • Overall width of the dropzone component.

See examples below.


Drop zone with compact list - multi file upload


Standalone example


Example with form context

Large dropzone with list - multi file upload


Standalone example


Example with dialog context

Large dropzone - single file upload


Standalone example - dropzone disappears and file item is displayed


Example with form context - Uploading

Large dropzone with cards/thumbnails


Standalone example


Example with form context


Drop items here


Drop items here


Drop items here

<div class="dropzone__container dragAndDrop__area">
	<span aria-hidden='true' class='iconUxt upload'></span>
	<h3 class="dropzone__title">Drop items here</h3>
	<span class="dropzone__description">or</span>
	<label class="button button--secondary" for="dropzone__file1">Browse files</label>
    <input type="file" id="dropzone__file1" name="dropzone__file" multiple />


<div class="dropzone__container dragAndDrop__area has-error">
	<span aria-hidden='true' class='iconUxt upload'></span>
	<h3 class="dropzone__title">Drop items here</h3>
	<span class="dropzone__description">or</span>
	<label class="button button--secondary" for="dropzone__file2">Browse files</label>
    <input type="file" id="dropzone__file2" name="dropzone__file" multiple />


<div class="dropzone__container dragAndDrop__area is-disabled">
	<span aria-hidden='true' class='iconUxt upload'></span>
	<h3 class="dropzone__title">Drop items here</h3>
	<span class="dropzone__description">or</span>
	<label class="button button--secondary" for="dropzone__file3">Browse files</label>
    <input type="file" id="dropzone__file3" name="dropzone__file" multiple disabled />

Compact dropzone

Drop items here or

Drop items here or

Drop items here or
<div class="dropzone__container dragAndDrop__area dragAndDrop__area--compact">
	<span aria-hidden='true' class='iconUxt upload'></span>
	<span class="dropzone__title">Drop items here or</span>
	<label class="button button--secondaryContentAction" for="dropzone__file4">Browse files</label>
    <input type="file" id="dropzone__file4" name="dropzone__file" multiple />


<div class="dropzone__container dragAndDrop__area dragAndDrop__area--compact has-error">
	<span aria-hidden='true' class='iconUxt upload'></span>
	<span class="dropzone__title">Drop items here or</span>
	<label class="button button--secondaryContentAction" for="dropzone__file5">Browse files</label>
    <input type="file" id="dropzone__file5" name="dropzone__file" multiple />


<div class="dropzone__container dragAndDrop__area dragAndDrop__area--compact is-disabled">
	<span aria-hidden='true' class='iconUxt upload'></span>
	<span class="dropzone__title">Drop items here or</span>
	<label class="button button--secondaryContentAction" for="dropzone__file6">Browse files</label>
    <input type="file" id="dropzone__file6" name="dropzone__file" multiple disabled />

Item states

  • Itemname.suffix

    57 MB
  • Itemname.suffix

    57 MB
  • Itemname.suffix

    57 MB
<div class="list dropzone__itemState">
	<ul class="list__list">
		<li class="list__item">
			<div class="item__icon">
				<span class="iconUxt filetypeDefault" aria-hidden="true"></span>
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--small"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						57 MB
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>
		<li class="list__item itemState--upload">
			<div class="item__icon">
				<span class="iconUxt filetypeDefault" aria-hidden="true"></span>
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--small"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						57 MB
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>
		<li class="list__item itemState--error">
			<div class="item__icon">
				<span class="iconUxt filetypeDefault" aria-hidden="true"></span>
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--small"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						57 MB
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>

Item states image

  • image placeholder


    57 MB
  • Itemname.suffix

    57 MB
  • Itemname.suffix

    57 MB
<div class="list dropzone__itemState">
	<ul class="list__list">
		<li class="list__item">
			<div class="item__image">
				<img src="assets/images/image.png" alt="image placeholder" />
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--small"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						57 MB
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>
		<li class="list__item itemState--upload">
			<div class="item__icon">
				<span class="iconUxt filetypeDefault" aria-hidden="true"></span>
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--small"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						57 MB
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>
		<li class="list__item itemState--error">
			<div class="item__icon">
				<span class="iconUxt image" aria-hidden="true"></span>
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--small"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						57 MB
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>

Item states compact

  • Itemname.suffix

    57 MB
  • Itemname.suffix

    57 MB
  • image placeholder


    57 MB
  • Itemname.suffix

    File is too large (max. 3 MB)
  • Itemname.suffix

    File is too large (max. 3 MB)
<div class="list dropzone__itemState dropzone__itemState--compact">
	<ul class="list__list">
		<li class="list__item">
			<div class="item__icon">
				<span class="iconUxt filetypeDefault" aria-hidden="true"></span>
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--xsmall"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						57 MB
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>
		<li class="list__item itemState--upload">
			<div class="item__icon">
				<span class="iconUxt filetypeDefault" aria-hidden="true"></span>
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--xsmall"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						57 MB
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>
		<li class="list__item">
			<div class="item__image">
				<img src="assets/images/image.png" alt="image placeholder" />
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--xsmall"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						57 MB
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>
		<li class="list__item itemState--error">
			<div class="item__icon">
				<span class="iconUxt filetypeDefault" aria-hidden="true"></span>
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--xsmall"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						File is too large (max. 3 MB)
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>
		<li class="list__item itemState--error">
			<div class="item__icon">
				<span class="iconUxt image" aria-hidden="true"></span>
				<div class="busyIndicator">
					<div class="busyIndicator__ring busyIndicator__ring--xsmall"></div>
			<div class="item__content">
				<div class="content__column content__column--primary">
					<h4 class="item__title">
					<div class="item__description">
						File is too large (max. 3 MB)
				<div class="content__column has-alignment-right">
					<button class="button button--ghost has-icon-only"></button>


.dropzone__container .dragAndDrop__area .dragAndDrop__area--compact Enables the compact variant.
.dropzone__container .dragAndDrop__area .has-error Error state for drop zone.
.list dropzone__itemState .dropzone__itemState--compact Enables the compact variant.
.list__item .itemState--upload .itemState--error Upload and error state for drop zone list items.
.item__image .item__image--portrait this class is required to display portrait format graphics correctly.
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the Development License Agreement.
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