
A breadcrumb indicates the location of the user within a navigation's hierarchy.


When to use

Use a breadcrumb in the following cases:

  • When the app has more than two navigation levels.
  • When there is a large amount of hierarchically structured content.

General construction

A breadcrumb consists of the following elements:


1. Clickable item, 2. Separator, 3. Not clickable item (optional), 4. Current page (optional)

1. Clickable item

  • Each item represents a single section in a hierarchical path.
  • A clickable item contains a link to its corresponding page in the hierarchy. The text of the item is the same as the title of the destination page.

2. Separator

  • It separates the breadcrumb items from each other.

3. Not clickable item (optional)

  • A not clickable item is a structural container in the hierarchy which is not reachable by the user.

4. Current page (optional)

  • The current page is the last item of the breadcrumb.
  • It is a not clickable item.


The path shows every level from the first page of the application to the current page.


Example for the levels of a breadcrumb with page title


  • A clickable item contains a link to a page.


Pointer over clickable item
  • A not clickable item is just a structural level without reachable content.


Default cursor over not clickable item
  • The last item of a breadcrumb can indicate the current page. If so it is not clickable and displays the current page’s title.


Default cursor over current page item
  • A separator is not clickable.


Default cursor over separator


The breadcrumb is usually located in the app header bar. It is placed above the page title.


Breadcrumb in a content header

Do’s & Don’ts



  • Show a breadcrumb only when hierarchical navigation is possible.
  • Do not use a breadcrumb if the navigation’s hierarchy contains only one level.


This chapter shows several breadcrumb styles in the User Experience Toolkit.


Item states


1. clickable, 2. mouseover, 3. pressed, 4. not clickable


1. clickable, 2. mouseover, 3. not clickable (current page)


1. clickable, 2. not clickable (structural container), 3. not clickable (current page)



Breadcrumb with three clickable items and current page


Breadcrumb without current page


The following table gives reference to the different font sizes and weights:

ItemdefaultSiemens Sans Roman14px20pxleft 
Itemmouseover, pressedSiemens Sans Roman14px20pxleftUnderline

Sizing and spacing

The following measurements show the dimensions for this component:


Sizing for breadcrumb


Spacing for breadcrumb

To see a detailed explanation of all existing helper and size classes, please refer to the usage table below.
Due to technical limitations, this CSS implementation does not support breadcrumb items ending in special characters.


<ul class="breadcrumb">
    <li class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">List Breadcrumb 1</a>
    <li class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">List Breadcrumb 2</a>
    <li class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">List Breadcrumb 3</a>
    <li class="breadcrumb__item is-current">
        List Breadcrumb 4
<div class="breadcrumb">
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 1</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        Breadcrumb 2
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 3</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item is-current">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 4</a>

Breadcrumb overflow variants

<div class="breadcrumb">
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 1</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        Breadcrumb 2
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 3</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 4</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 5</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 6</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 7</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item is-current">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb X</a>

<div class="breadcrumb breadcrumb--centered">
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 1</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        Breadcrumb 2
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 3</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 4</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 5</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 6</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 7</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item is-current">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb X</a>

<div class="breadcrumb breadcrumb--right">
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 1</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        Breadcrumb 2
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 3</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 4</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 5</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 6</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb 7</a>
    <div class="breadcrumb__item is-current">
        <a href="#">Breadcrumb X</a>


.breadcrumb .breadcrumb__item Or any tag with .is-current Visually styles the currently selected / active breadcrumb item.
.breadcrumb .breadcrumb--centered "Cuts off" the breadcrumbs item between first and last breadcrumb item, shortened with ellipsis.
.breadcrumb .breadcrumb--right "Cuts off" the breadcrumbs item on the right, shortened with ellipsis.
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