Changelog v2.7.0

Release date: 2024/10/21


  • Add description property and intermediate state to switch.
  • Add explanation when to use switch and when to use checkbox.


  • Change spacings for more consistency within a form and with the Siemens Industrial Experience design system.
  • Change disabled color for checkbox and radio-button.
  • Change left alignment of collapsible icon in the container component for visual balance due to the new icon.
  • Change all regular icons to show a bold style, with a few exceptions, due to going in the direction of two icon styles only.
  • Change the vector of bold icons to the ones of the Siemens Industrial Experience design system:
    announcement, applyFilter, apps, arrowDoubleLeft, arrowFirstLeft, arrowFirstSmall, arrowLastRight, arrowLeftExtraSmall, arrowStemSingleLeft, assetNetwork, audit, backButtonNarrow, calendar, calendarDay, calendarWeek, certificate, chartGauge, chartLine, chartPie, chartTrend, check, clipboardCheck, clock, clone, code, comment, compare, copy, dataMapping, dataSource, delete, dropzone, duplicate, edit, editDocument, exit, export, factoryMagnifier, filetypeText,filter, filterAlternative, filterHide, filteTypeText, fullscreen, fullscreenExit, headset, home, image, import, information, legal, length, linkDissolve, moonSun, notification, outgoingInApp, pause, person, personMultiple, printer, redo, scope, settings, settingsAlternative, sms, subtenant, undo, zoomIn, zoomOut (arrows are changed in all available directions - left, top, right, down).
  • Change the vector of filled icons to the ones of the Siemens Industrial Experience design system:
    announcement, applyFilter, apps, arrowLeftExtraSmall, audit, calendar, certificate, chartGauge, chartPie, chartTrend, check, clock, code, comment, compare, dataMapping, dataSource, delete, dropzone, duplicate, edit, editDocument, export, factory, factoryMagnifier, filetypeText, filter, filterAlternative, filterHide, flash, fullScreen, fullScreenExit, hatMan,headset, home, image, import, information, length, moonSun, notification, outgoingInApp, pause, person, personMultiple, printer, redo, rules, scopeAlternative, selectAll, selectNone, shift, subtenant, undo (arrows are changed in all available directions - left, top, right, down).
  • Change icon of settings navigation items that is shown in the demos.
  • Fix form validation message have an empty space in some cases.


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